Sunday, June 24, 2007

lace garland shawl

I bought the yarn for this at Harrogate knitting and stitching show last year, I over dyed it as it needed more purple in it.

the pattern is from shawls and scarves the best of knitters magazines

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here is a size reference my nearly 4 year old

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and Sam showing how lovely it looks on
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my dilemma is though is can I display it at Woolfest? I have dyed it but it is not with the wool that I sell even though it can be made using wool that I sell.


gilraen said...

Yes. Just make sure when you display it you say dyed by Bright-dyes, yarn not available at Brightdyes but alternative yarn is.........?

you are displaying your dyeing skills after all.

It is simply georgeous :)

Jillsknit said...

I agree with gilraen. You could also word it - "...recommended yarn is...." and list the yarn you do offer.

belaybunny said...

I think it's stunning and you should show it. Maybe put a note on it saying that although you dyed it, the yarn is not yours' ?

Knitted Gems said...

The shawl is beautiful! Sam is a wonderful model. (Good luck getting him to do that in ten more years).

Linda said...

Beautiful shawl, it is such a lovely pattern and colour!

Joy said...

Chrissy, I still can't believe your mum stapled it to your Woolfest display and I am waiting to hear if you managed to remove it safely.