Monday, October 08, 2007


but back again, firstly the old eyes failed me. I have lived with double vision all my life, it is now controlled by prisms in my glasses. Over the last month they stopped working, but after a lengthly trip to the opticians I can now see again, and of course my new glasses are beautifully purple.

The knitting took a huge leap backward but again we are on track again, I have almost finished my hogwarts sock swap socks, only a bit of the foot to go now and they can be on their way across the seas.

Mersh is striking again, It is great having him at home more but terrible loosing £50 - £60 every day they are out, we can only hope it is resolved very quickly

I have cast on for another clapotis, I bought some aran silk from Terri, I couldn't just leave it sitting there, I am on the third straight repeat
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I have also been dyeing mini yarn

Sharon has been treating herself so needs some socks to match, this is the best I could do.
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On the dyeing front things have been very busy but my favourite has to be my witches of pendle hill pure bfl sock yarn

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I have had to keep a skein of this all to myself

Also keep an eye out for the next edition of simply knitting