Monday, July 02, 2007

wonderful woolfest

I am back in one piece and I loved every minute of it

first comes the pics of the stall

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

putting the stall up was a lot of fun, mum helped me no end, but I did have a little heart attack when she STAPLED my shawl to the back drop. when I had recovered from the shock of seeing metal punched through my beautiful work I realised that it did actually look quite nice, so forgave her quite quickly.

The Friday and Saturday went so quickly, I met loads of people I had never met before and loads of people it was lovely to see again.

my stall was next to Cledry Yarner , it was great to have such a nice person next to me.
I had a huge hug with the badger and aknita.
I finally got to meet Sprite maker of the Yarnimals n and Jeni and Andy from

Camping in torrential rain was interesting, and not helped by hubby and Jack getting a stomach bug on the last night, that said however all I can say is roll on next year.


Piglottie said...

Your stall looks wonderful Chrissy! I love the way you've used the trugs, they look great :)

Nevisknitter said...

Your stall looks amazing, and the shawl looks good there too.

Jo028 said...

Your stall looks great & that shawl is amazing, glad it survived the stapling!! Hope you had a nice time despite the rain!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous stall. Would have loved to be there. And I'm glad to hear the gorgeous shawl survived the stapling.

Stacey said...

Don't forget the exploding airbed! Lol.

belaybunny said...

your stall looks wonderful, glad you had a great time.