Thursday, February 22, 2007

25 rows down 200 to go

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now i have got some new addi needles for this I can put the plastic denises away and hopefully start flying with it.
I do feel better that it is a top down construction as I know that every row there is 2 less stitches so I must get quicker and quicker, the yarn is absolutely lovely, I am really pleased with how soft it is yet how great it knits up.

Also fresh out of the dye pot is this new colourway which will hopefully be up on the website later on today
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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

back in the land of the living AGAIN

no sooner had I recovered from the wisdom tooth episode I have been wiped out by a horrible viral bug thing really knocked me off my feet. I have recovered from that and now I have the cold that almost everybody in the country has got.

on top of that my dear son Sam has chicken pox and looks like this

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good old chicken pox, as you can see he is quite pleased with hisself and is showing everybody he can that he has loads of spots.

one of the lovely ladies on the forum has started making the most beautiful stitch markers and these arrived today
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they are the most beautiful stitch markers I have ever seen, hopefully she is setting up an etsy shop and i will post as soon as she does but be ware she is being hounded for business.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

back in the land of the living

I had a wisdome tooth out recently and it has knocked me for six, I have had to sleep almost constantly and usually generals only take it out of me for a day or 2 this seems to have lasted the full week.

my shawl has been put on the back burner due to lack of concentration and I have been bitted by the toy bug.

may I introduce Millie Doll
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she is for a very good friend who has just had a lovely and beautiful baby girl called of course Millie.
On the dyeing front this months lace club yarn is drying and is I think quite beautiful, I just hope the recipients like it as much as I do.